Current Time in Sydney Australia Converter
Frequently Asked Questions
What time is it in Sydney right now?
Check the current time displayed above.
What time zone is Sydney in?
Sydney is in the Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST) zone, UTC+10.
Does Sydney observe Daylight Saving Time?
Yes, Sydney observes Daylight Saving Time from the first Sunday in October to the first Sunday in April.
How do I convert time from my city to Sydney time?
Use the converter above by setting your local time to see Sydney’s corresponding time.
What’s the best time to call someone in Sydney from another country?
Typically, late afternoon or evening in your time zone if you’re in the Northern Hemisphere, or morning if you’re in the Southern Hemisphere.
Is there a significant time difference between Sydney and Melbourne?
No, both cities are generally in the same time zone, though Melbourne might observe daylight saving slightly differently.
How can I schedule meetings with colleagues in Sydney?
Use this time converter or tools like World Time Buddy to find a suitable time.
What are Sydney’s business hours?
Business hours are typically from 9 AM to 5 PM AEST, Monday to Friday.
Can I use this converter for other Australian cities?
Yes, but remember to adjust for different time zones if necessary, especially during daylight saving periods.
How accurate is this time converter?
It’s as accurate as the JavaScript Date object, which relies on the system time of the device where it’s running.